I am pleased to report that the external review team who visited our Faculty on December 4-6, 2023, have submitted the final FASE External Reviewers’ Report. The report is posted online as a public document.
The next step is for the Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs to send the Request for Administrative Response at the beginning of April. This request will include prioritized points from the report and a table listing all the reviewers’ recommendations.
The provostial review is a critical element of the University’s commitment to quality assurance, providing an unparalleled opportunity to secure the expert advice of leaders in the field concerning academic and administrative issues, assess our performance against leading
international institutions, and receive guidance on key strategic directions. Your continued engagement is of paramount importance as the review process will lead to the development of our next Academic Plan.
I would like to extend my gratitude to the self-study working group, faculty members, the decanal leadership team, staff, graduate and undergraduate students, graduate student associations, the Engineering Society, and alumni for their roles in the planning process.
Thank you, all, for your participation. I look forward to updating you in April once the Request for Administrative Response is received.