engSuccess: Resources Pop-Up!

Galbraith Lobby @ 35 St. George St

U of T offers so many resources to students, such as GEARS, Accessibility Services, Mental Health and Wellness, Writing Workshops, and so much more! Come to this pop-up session to learn about U of T’s resources and how to access and navigate them, play our Resource Recall Game to win prizes, enjoy some snacks, and walk […]

engSuccess: Thinking About the Future Pop-Up!

Galbraith Lobby @ 35 St. George St

Summer Research. PEY CO-OP Job Search. Choosing a Major. Choosing Electives. Networking. Did any of the above sound nerve-wracking? Don’t worry, many students feel the same way. Come to this pop-up where upper-year engSuccess mentors and our Faculty’s Undergraduate Research and International Experience Coordinator are eager to answer your questions and give you more information […]