What is F!rosh Week?
F!rosh Week is a week-long orientation where students and faculty welcome over 1000 incoming students to the U of T Engineering Community! Central to the experience at Skule™, F!rosh Week consists of engaging and exciting events designed to introduce students to the community, traditions, and spirit of U of T Engineering. F!rosh Week is anticipated by thousands of students every year and many students become involved to provide a meaningful experience for their new peers.
What is Skule™?
Skule™ is the name of the University of Toronto’s engineering community at the St. George campus. It is made up of about 5000 undergraduate students, hundreds of graduate students, and a range of dedicated alumni. It is also home to hundreds of engineering clubs, athletics teams, design teams, and traditions. The Skule™ name was first used almost a century ago when students discovered something that they had in common: engineers don’t know how to spell. As something that the community created together, the Engineering Society trademarked the name in 1984.